来源: | 作者:佚名 | 发布时间: 2022-05-13 | 1465 次浏览 | 分享到:



因延期调整给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!感谢各位一直以来对FIC的支持和关注!我们将不负众望、攻坚克难,做好展会各项准备和服务工作。期待不久的将来,与您相聚 FIC,共襄行业盛会!


中国食品添加剂和配料协会  中国国际贸易促进委员会轻工行业分会



Postponement Notice of FIC 2022

Dear exhibitors, visitors, partners, and industry peers,

Concerning the severe pandemic situation, to well coordinate with pandemic prevention and control measures by the government, and to safeguard the vital interest and health of everyone, we have cautiously decided that FIC 2022 originally scheduled at NECC(Shanghai), from May 31st to June 2nd will be postponed. We will keep close contact with the government and the exhibition venue and release readjustment plan of FIC 2022 later.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience brought by FIC2022 postponement and thank you for your all along support and attention to FIC. To live up to the industry’s expectation, we will overcome difficulties and make a series of preparation and service work well. We are looking forward to being with you at FIC and cheering this grand event of the industry.

Please follow www.cfaa.cn, Wechat and APP for FIC News.



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China Food Additives and Ingredients Association

CCPIT Light Industry Sub-Council

April 252022